
Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Is it Valentine's Day Already?

I went to Hobby Lobby today, looking for decorative things for New Year's Eve..... what they had left was precious little, except for a pretty "Happy New Year" banner, which I bought. I by-passed all the silly hats..... and I already have horns and noisemakers. I think I will just stick with what I have, but I will fill up the dining room with balloons for our New Year's Eve dinner.

Hobby Lobby had their Christmas items slashed down to next to nothing, and I found some great items to use for favors for next year's holiday party.

A few aisles away from the Christmas things, employees were putting up Valentine's Day items. Of course I had to look, and of course I found some great things for our Valentine's party. Couldn't resist....... and February will be here in a heartbeat. (Pardon the pun.)

Our young friend L will be here tomorrow with her parents..... just dropping in to wish us a Merry Christmas. I have gifts for L and her twin brother, so I'm glad they called to stop by. If L opens her gifts tomorrow, I will have to tell her not to say anything to C...... some of the gifts I bought for L were also bought for C, so they'd each have one. Funny thing..... one of the gifts (for both of them) is a package of teenaged-styled postcards and writing paper....... I bought those just because the design was so cute. Who knew that they'd really be needing just that thing in order to keep in touch with one another after C moves to Vegas at the end of the school year.

I just hate the thought of C and her family moving away from here. The end of the school year... that will be here in a heartbeat as well.


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