
Friday, February 18, 2005

This Bug's For You.....

Why is it always me who stumbles upon a bug........ On my way through the living room this afternoon, I looked up and happened to see a huge wood roach just sitting on the wall. We have very high ceilings in the living room, and it was making its way down the highest side of the room. It had stopped right near the air vent, so I guess it found its way into the attic from one of the roof vents. And lucky me... it also found its way out of the attic by way of the air-conditioning vent.

These wood roaches are all over outside, and we'd just had the outside sprayed with the bug spray, plus the bug-guy spritzed that stuff up in the attic as well. Are the wood roaches immune to the sprays? In Florida, these things are called palmetto bugs...... just about the same thing as our wood roaches.... big, brown, like a common roach on steroids, they fly fast and they can crawl fast. Too fast for me, which is why I'm so afraid of them.

I just froze when I saw that bug. I stood there watching it. I had a dish towel in my hand and I wondered if I could throw the towel at it and kill it. Not a chance. My shoe? I didn't want to try that.... my aim isn't the greatest and my shoe could easily break something if I missed the bug. Plus, I was wearing the prettiest pair of gold sandals. Not exactly a bug-killing shoe.

Thankfully, my husband was home. Sound asleep in his chair...... he had been working at his computer all day long and was taking a break. I guess he knew by the tone of my voice that something was going on because he got up the first time I called him. When he walked into the living room, I held my shoe out to him and asked him to smash that bug to smithereens. I figured he could just use the sole of the shoe to whack the bug without getting any of the blood and guts on the gold flower that was at the toe of the shoe.

He didn't want to do that....... violence isn't his thing. He asked me to get a plastic bowl so he could capture the bug and bring it outside. Ah.... the old catch and release method. Into the plastic bowl went the bug..... out the front door went my husband...... he walked all the way up to the corner before letting the bug go. My hero. (This story can be filed under "101 Uses for Old Tupperware.")


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