More Surprises......
Our young friend C stopped by after school again today, along with her friend L. When I walked to the front door, the two girls were standing on the porch, backpacks slung over their shoulders, with big smiles on their faces. As C walked into the foyer, she said "Darn... I forgot that silly key again!"
I made sure their moms knew where they were, and the girls stayed here till C's mom picked them up after work and drove them both home. C and L did their homework, then worked on the collages that they had started here last week.
Another hot day, of course, so out came the lemonade and cookies. I usually have cookies and sweets in the house for when the girls come over on Saturday mornings, but now I see that I'll need to buy a couple of extra packages. Either that, or start baking. The school year will be ending in just a couple of weeks here, and I have a feeling that the girls will be riding their bicycles over to our house during the week, not just on Saturdays.
C asked me if my husband had come to any decision about the country house. I told her that we're still thinking. C said she didn't want to "rejoice" till she heard the final news, so she wouldn't be too disappointed if we decided against it. I told her she would be the first to know, either way.
I called my sister tonight, and let her know about the package from my mother. She hasn't received a package, and she doesn't think she will. We both know that my mother "has issues" with me, not with my sister. The reason being that I've kept in touch with my dad and the family (after my parents divorced in 1961) and my sister is "like Switzerland," as she calls it--- she keeps to herself and doesn't bother with anyone else.
Which is easy for her to do, being that she was still a baby when our parents split up. I was nine years old...... I grew up with my dad and the entire family. How in the world could I have turned my back on everyone? I always was my father's daughter, and in my opinion, my mother has never been able to overlook that or forgive me for it. That's the reality of the situation and I've learned to accept it. I don't fault her for it, I don't judge her.... it is just what it is and that's that.
So.... I'll wait a few days and call my mother. Or maybe I'll just wait till next week. I want my mind to be at rest when I call her, because I know how the conversation will go and I want to be ready for it. My mother will want to discuss the past...... she left my dad over 40 years ago and she cannot put it behind her, and is still bitter and unhappy about everything that took place after she left. My sister told me that my mother has called her recently and asked about me. My sister's answer to her was "Call her and just ask her yourself." Switzerland refuses to get in the middle of anything and anyone.
Divorce. It's like an earthquake... the damage goes deep and the aftershocks pop up when you least expect them. It just never ends.
It's nearly 10:00 p.m. as I'm typing....... I had a piano lesson today, then went out to the Thai restaurant with K (piano teacher), then came back and was surprised by the girls, then did laundry and ironing (which wasn't as much fun as helping the girls with their art projects), and then the nearly two-hour phone call to my sister. It just feels like it's been a too-long day.
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