Kittens rule...
As I type this, I am in the breakfast room... the kittens and Sweet Pea are in the TV room with a vinyl lattice barrier propped up in the doorway between that room and the breakfast room. The plexiglass window that I had propped in the doorway between the TV room bathroom and the TV room itself is now history... I took that away when I was certain that Julius and Peaches knew that their litter boxes were in that bathroom and in order to get to them, they had to travel the length of the TV room to get back into 'their' bathroom. Smart kittens, both of them... within those few first weeks, they were exploring the TV room and running back into the bathroom when kitty-nature called.
For the past couple of weeks, I have kept the door to the TV room closed, but decided this morning that it was time for Julius and Peaches to at least be able to peek out of the TV room into the world of the breakfast room. That stretch of lattice that I found in the garage was just the thing... high enough so neither the kittens nor Sweet Pea could jump or climb over it, and strong enough to withstand Savannah's head or paws when she nudges it with annoyance because I had the nerve to bring two tiny kittens into 'her' house.
That's the issue here with Savannah and Sweet Pea... both of them think they rule the house, but Julius and Peaches have quickly done away with the Old Guard, letting them know that the tinier you are, the more clout you have... cuteness counts for a lot in the world of puppies and kittens. My husband is in the TV room watching the Little League World Series, with Sweet Pea and Julius and Peaches. I think the kittens and Sweet Pea are fast asleep, and if the Little League game isn't that exciting, my husband will soon be sleeping also.
I chose to stay out here in the breakfast room with Savannah so she would not feel neglected. I know she wants to be in the TV room with Gary, but I also know that TV watching would be an impossibility because when she is in that room with Julius and Peaches, we have to keep our attention focused on her so she doesn't go after the kittens. Savannah has not yet fully accepted Julius and Peaches. We don't know if she thinks they are Beanie-Baby-sized toys or just battery-charged stuffed animals that she can play with and toss in the air. Needless to say, we don't want that to happen. I pray for the day when I don't have to have any sort of barrier up between these rooms and all three cats can live safely and peacefully in the same space as our 75-pound dog. Now that isn't too much to ask, is it?
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