
Monday, July 10, 2006

Lost "Pets"

This happens all the time..... large posters and small signs are put up on the light-posts and stop signs in our subdivision, asking that lost dogs and cats be returned to their owners. We're a very pet-friendly community, so mostly all lost pets are returned to their homes. During the summer months, however, those "lost pet" signs are not for dogs and cats... they're for every other critter known to man, and my guess is that the local teenagers have found creative ways to use their vacation time.

This morning, I saw a sign that read: "Lost bird. Lots of feathers, tiny beak, skinny legs. Children heartbroken. Please call...."

Within a week now, I will bet that other lost "pet" signs will appear on other posts around the neighborhood. When one pops up, others are sure to follow, with the local teens trying to out-best the other signs.

Some of the ones I remember from last summer:

"Lost gekko. Mint green in color. Walks funny. Answers to Brutus."

"Lost duck. White feathers, yellow beak. Will sit in front of TV waiting for Aflac commercials."

"Found turtle. Very shy, stays in shell except when we're eating McDonald's fries."

"Found squirrel. Can't keep him because the dog thinks it's a squeaky-toy. Please call...."

"Lost alligator. Six-feet long, snores in his sleep. Last seen in Armand Bayou seven months ago... so he might be eight-feet long by now. Answers to Precious."


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