Spaghetti Dinner
It's nearly 9:30 as I type...... our young friend C and her parents left here a little while ago. The three of them came over for dinner...... nothing fancy, just spaghetti and sauce...... C's mom made a salad, I baked some crescent rolls, and also some lemon squares so we'd have something for tea afterwards.
We had asked C and her mom over on the spur of the moment, and while I was on the phone with L, her husband S drove up into their driveway. He had left for Louisiana on the day after Easter, to go back to his job there for his usual two-week helicopter run, but they didn't need him for a few days, so he drove back home, rather than wait around at the base over there. He surprised C and L when he got home, and they surprised him by telling him they were on their way over here.
Dinner for five is as easy as dinner for four, so I set another place and made up another placecard........ got to have placecards for our C..... she saves all of them. Tonight's cards had Italian chefs on them, which were perfect for a homemade Italian dinner.
We talked about summer trips...... we had spoken about this before, when L suggested that it might be a good idea to travel somewhere together. We haven't made definite plans yet, but we discussed possible destinations. C's dad and my husband get along great...... they play golf together whenever they can, and they would have fun doing the "guy things" on a vacation that neither I nor C's mom would be interested in. As for young Miss C, she could decide what she wanted to do when we got wherever we were going. C has a lot of fun doing "guy" stuff, and she's just as content to go shopping and sightseeing as well. Both her mom and I love museums and bookstores, so we could keep busy with those when the guys wanted to do more adventurous things.
This is all still in the talking stage..... we're all thinking, and discussing...... so we'll see what happens during the next couple of months. I think it would work out just fine, as long as we can all agree on a destination.
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