Thursday Surprise
I just found out this morning that my cousin R will be coming here for a visit this month. My husband has an out-of-town business conference, so she will fly down while he's away and we'll have a few days of girl-time. (When the cat's away, the mice go shopping!)
This will be R's first visit to Texas, so I've made a list of everything we can do and see in this area for the days that she'll be here. We'll have a good time, I'm sure. My cousin and I are the same age, just 4 months apart (I was born in January, she was born in May of the same year). We grew up together and have lots of family history behind us, so we'll be talking and laughing from the minute she gets off the plane till the minute she gets back on.
I hope the weather is perfect while she's here.... warm sunny days, tiny-bit cool at night. From my lips to the ears of the Big Weatherman up in the sky. Please, please..... no big southeast Texas rainstorms.
My cousin is allergic to cats, so I plan to keep AngelBoy and ShadowBaby out on the porch while she's staying here. (They'll be thrilled. Hopefully, but not likely.) Rusty has been staying out on the backyard deck for the past couple of months, so I'll just leave him where he is. He has plenty of shade, a few comfy chairs to sleep on, and fresh food and water.... and I really think he's happy just being by himself for most of the day.
It should work out just fine. I told my cousin to bring her allergy pills, just in case. And if she starts to sneeze here, then I'll just drive her to the local hotel and get her a cat-free room for the few days.
Piano yesterday went just fine.... I can't believe how all those notes are just clicking now. I really think that learning just one song each week (instead of three) has helped a lot. I told K (piano teacher) that I just don't have time for more than one. I do lots of other things during the week to keep me busy, so one new song (which is two pages long) is just enough for me. I can concentrate just on that one... much less frustrating than skipping from one to the other to the third.
And.... must be something in the NY air that is making those "Yankees" travel south. My friend A just found out that her parents will be coming down for a visit next month. It will be their first visit to Texas, and A is making up her own list of places to go and things to do. A just had out-of-town company for a visit (more family from NY) and before the summer months are over, she will have even more company from up north. In the three years that A & D have lived here, they've had more visits from family than my husband and I have had in the past 12 years.
To that statement, my husband says: "Be careful what you wish for."
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