
Monday, December 09, 2013

A Christmas tree grows in College Station....

Well, wonder of wonders... we really did find a beautiful Christmas tree. My husband looked on the Internet and discovered "The Farm Patch" in College Station.... and they sell Christmas trees of all sizes.  We went there today, looking for a tree to reach the ceiling.... and that's just what we brought home this afternoon.

The Farm Patch is a huge red and white striped tent in one of the many shopping centers in College Station. They had just gotten a truck-load of trees from Washington and Oregon, most of which still had snow and ice on the bottoms... I guess the truck was refrigerated. It's been cold here today, but not cold enough for snow and ice. (Thankfully.)

They had everything from table-top-sized "Charlie Brown" Christmas trees to massive trees that my husband probably wished he could get. Our ceilings are eleven feet high, so anything higher than that is just not going to work. Christmas music was playing inside the tent, men were sawing the bottoms off trees and standing them in buckets of water... and every tree was lined up according to size so you could easily find what you were looking for. (Note to Lowe's--- go and have a look-see at The Farm Patch and take some tree-display lessons.)

We found just the perfect tree.... and two seconds later, we were told that the man ahead of us had just paid for that very tree.  Not a problem, said the tree-guy..... "Go pick out another tree and I'll give you $20 off the price."  So we looked again.... and...  found just the perfect tree.  I stood there right in front of it so no one else would claim it before we paid for it.

The only down-side of today's tree adventure was the weather.... cold and raining all day long. We may as well have been up north, for the weather we're having in this state.  Not as bad as Dallas, which has had ice storms.... but bad enough that my cousins in Arizona called today to ask "What is going on with the Texas weather?"  I wish I knew....... the weather gods have not been kind.  Nor are they being kind to Arizona because tonight will be just as cold there as it is here.

I told my cousin about our Christmas tree adventures of yesterday and today, and D said "Don't they sell artificial trees in that state?"  I explained that there hasn't been an artificial tree made yet that my husband would approve of.  D's answer to that was "When he gets older and starts having aches and pains, he's going to be wishing for an artificial tree."

I don't think I'll be telling my husband about that part of the conversation... it's too close to his birthday, and possibly, the carrying and setting-up of today's Christmas tree may very well have given him an ache or a pain or two.


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