
Sunday, December 01, 2013

About those "That-Which-Shall-Not-Be-Named Friday" shoppers.

Every year after the post-Thanksgiving shopping frenzy, you hear on the news about the horrible stories that accompanied the frantic bargain shoppers who decided to cast off their turkey-day in lieu of those sale prices at the stores.

Yesterday on CNN, there was video footage of women fighting in shopping malls, men using mace to keep people from cutting in on the lines, and younger people using pepper spray to keep other shoppers from getting to the Holy Grail before they were at arm's length of the prize.

Note to all of the above: You have lost your minds. Not to mention your souls.

How does one buy an item for oneself, or give that item as a gift to a friend, after using either mace or pepper spray to obtain that item?  I can just imagine the gift card: "Merry Christmas!  This is for you!  And you'd better like this gift because I had to knock down three old ladies and use mace on two big guys to get this!"

Note to all who are guilty of the above:  You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourselves.  You have dropped far below the realm of being human, and are tilting on the cusp of being an animal. And even wild animals have more respect for one another with the exceptions of killing for food or killing to protect their young.  And don't even try and explain your behavior by saying that if you didn't get that 70-inch television, your family would starve to death or your children would be eaten by wolves.

I don't know if the Retail Powers That Be are controlling the out-of-control masses, or if the out-of-control masses are fueling the greed of the Retail Powers That Be.

What I do know is this...... we are becoming a non-caring, non-sharing society when it comes to that idiotic shopping day after Thanksgiving.  Instead of everyone giving thanks for their blessings, a huge segment of this society is giving grief to whoever is standing next to them.

Wake up, people.  We are supposed to be human beings.  Underneath our skin, we are all alike...... we are more alike than we are different. We share just this one planet, which is perilously in danger from imploding not by nuclear bombs but by all the anger that is raging from coast to coast.  And for what? To be first on line to purchase a mega-television or the latest iPhone or whatever happens to be number one on the hit parade of holiday gifts?!  Does that even make sense?

Give me a blessed break.


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