
Friday, December 06, 2013

Merry Christmas...

To everyone out there who would like the phrase "Merry Christmas" to go away, I have just two words to say to you:   Merry Christmas.

To the groups of people who don't want Christmas carols sung by school choirs, and who don't want Christmas pageants in school auditoriums, and who do not want to see Nativity scenes in public places, I have these two words:   Merry Christmas.

To the people who would like the words Merry Christmas to be replaced by Happy Holiday, or to be replaced by nothing at all, these two words are just for you:   Merry Christmas.

To every person who would like everyone else in the world to follow the beliefs of certain groups, rather than to follow their own hearts, these two words are especially for you:   Merry Christmas.

Last time I looked, the American flag was still flying all over this country... which means that everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and their own opinions, without being judged by certain groups of people who have taken it upon themselves to try and change the beliefs and opinions of others.

To those groups of people, two words for you:   Merry Christmas.

And, in case you're counting.... there are 19 more days until the 25th of December.  In this country (as well as many others) the 25th day of December is called Christmas.

Christmas. As in "Merry Christmas." 
So..... Merry Christmas.
And........ Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas!


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