The Storm Before the Calm
I have been buried in party favors, invitations and preparations for the past few days here. The month of December is a busy one, but this year seems extra-busy.
I'm in the midst of our annual Open House Christmas Party, a dinner for my husband's birthday, taking our two young 14-yr-old friends to "Dickens on The Strand" in Galveston and "The Nutcracker" in downtown Houston, and then a dinner party for New Year's Eve--- not necessarily in that order, except of course the New Year's Eve dinner is the last one on the list for the year.
I knew I'd be busy for the month, so I'm glad I told K that I wouldn't be coming for piano lessons till after the first of the year. I've got too much left to do for the Open House Christmas Party, and that's all that I'll be consumed with from now till party-time. I've got to plan the menu for that and decide what I'll make and what I'll have catered. Thankfully, the young waitress from the Greek Deli has agreed to come help on party night. She was such a great help to me with last year's party, so I was happy to know she was available this time as well.
The month of December is going to fly by, I know, but right now, the days are going by slowly. Which is a good thing, because I've got so much to do.
The weather, which was bright and sunny and so very warm, has turned colder at night now, beginning with last night. Too cool on the porch for me to leave Mickey Kitty out there, so we let him sleep in our bedroom--- and we had to keep the door closed so he wouldn't get to the big Christmas tree in the living room. Now that it's all decorated, I can't have him trying to get to the top of that tree--- and I'm sure he could, given the chance. I've been keeping him in the porch during the day-- when the sun comes out, it warms up out there just fine. At night, though, the temperature has been going down to around 55 degrees....... sure seems cold to me. And if I feel cold, then I'm not leaving the cats out there.
Oh well, this too shall pass....... and it will be warm again. And all the invitations will be out, the RSVPs will be in, the favors will be ready, the placecards, the food, the desserts, the table decorations, the entertainment.....
How many more days till Christmas?
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