
Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Fairy Buttercups

Oh goodie... it's another cloudy, drippy, dreary, damp, humid, moist, bad-hair day. Not a drop of blue sky in sight.

But on the bright side--- fairy buttercups. My friend F enlightened me to that cute little phrase just last week. Actually, the complete and correct phrase is "sans fairy buttercups," with sans translating in French to without.

Without fairy buttercups? I told F that having fairy buttercups sounded like a good thing, so I voted to drop the sans and turn the phrase to the positive side. She wholeheartedly agreed. F couldn't remember where she even got the phrase, but in all the years I've known her now, last week was the first time she'd ever said it to me. And I can't even remember what we were talking about when she said it.

So there you have it. Fairy buttercups. We don't know what it means or where it comes from, but it sounds like a good thing. To everyone out there... may the day be filled with fairy buttercups for you.

Speaking of our friend F... she's still at home, trying to get back to a normal routine, more or less. Mostly less, at the moment. She can't go back to her job yet, and she's missing that. She has run out of books to read, so I've got to get over there with another supply for her. She reads so quickly that the only way to keep fresh books in her hands would be to have a library truck deliver them to her door every day.

Since she's been ill, F has noticed just how awful television has become. She, like me, watches precious little on television. She had been watching television in her hospital room, and has been watching it at home. Not because she wants to, but just because it's something to focus on when she doesn't have anything to read, or if she's not feeling well enough to concentrate to read. "And heaven knows you don't have to concentrate on television... you just have to mindlessly look at it," said F one day. I forget what show she was watching at the hospital one day and she told me that she wished she had a gun.

I just saw a glimmer of sunlight coming through my sitting room windows. Can it be happening? Can the sun have found its way to us after all these drippy, dreary days? Well... all I can say to that is fairy buttercups!


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