
Friday, November 05, 2004

Friday Evening Stuff

Absolutely gorgeous day today..... lots of blue sky and warm temperatures once the morning chill wore off. There were so many birds in the yard at the feeders that it sounded like a party out there this afternoon.

The first thing my husband said to me this morning was "Just think... if the Manilow concert hadn't been cancelled last night, today would've been the morning after, and you would hardly be able to talk today because your throat would've been sore from singing and screaming all night long."

My friend A told me that the Manilow concert-cancellation was announced on this morning's news. This morning? The concert was scheduled for last night? And if a friend of J's hadn't seen the two-inch-long item about it in yesterday's Chronicle, the five of us would've been at the Toyota Center last night waiting for the doors to open. As A said-- "Why didn't they have the story of Barry's bronchitis as breaking news on television?!" -- A comment you would understand if you live anywhere in the Houston area. Whenever a sheriff or a constable chases a speeding vehicle (pronounced "vee-hick-el") down here, the local television networks break into the show that's running (usually Oprah) to let us watch the car chase. (As if women who watch Oprah would rather watch a speeding car?)

The first phone call I got this morning was from our friend J, who is still disappointed that Manilow had to cancel the concert because of bronchitis. "Are you sure they will have the concert in a couple of weeks? Are you certain?" I told him they already re-scheduled the show, and our tickets will be honored on the new night. "But are you sure?" Yes, yes, yes!

I went to our local SteinMart this afternoon. I love that store. It reminds me of stores of days-gone-by. Wooden floors, soft music playing, lots of clerks in every department to help you find things, and even though some of their designer merchandise is costly, they have more than enough beautiful clothes in there to pick from-- most of which is on sale on any given day. (SteinMart here is like T.J. Maxx-- only bigger, better, quieter, neater, nicer.)

I bought two pretty sweaters that I won't be wearing till next October, since they have beaded Halloween decorations on them. They originally sold for $98 each. With the after-Halloween sales, I got them for $15 each. At that price, I wasn't going to stand there deciding which one to get. They were both pretty, both fit, so I bought both. ("When in doubt, buy both." Smart advice from my husband's mother.)

SteinMart also had Halloween merchandise on sale... gorgeous things that I hadn't seen anywhere else. Had to buy some, of course, and now they're up in my closet with the other Halloween items. All ready for next year. I'm so ready for next Halloween that I probably have enough things for the year after as well.

My husband and I went out for lunch today, and while we were sitting there, we went over the arrangements for our Christmas party. We have a Holiday Open House every year... no Charades, just food and fun with our friends and neighbors. Last year, I hired a Mariachi band to play and sing during the party. They were fabulous, and everyone loved the surprise as they walked in the door singing "Feliz Navidad." But as great as they were, I didn't want to do the same thing this year, so we've made other entertainment arrangements. Barry Manilow! (Just kidding, but how I wish...)

We're sending Christmas party invitations to 68 people this year. Of course, as I always do, I have "RSVP" on the cards. I know I'll be making a bunch of phone calls a week or two before the party, asking "Are you coming to our party...." (Never fails... not everyone does the RSVP-thing.) The party-favors are all ready.... I did those last month. The house is slowly looking like Christmas because I've started taking holiday decorations out of the closet. But I will need a count of how many people will definitely be there. We can't be running out of food and desserts, and --like any good Italian girl-- I would rather have too much than too little.

So that's about my story of the day. Not much of anything, just a lot of little things.


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