
Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Election Day/Night

It rained all day today..... absolutely pouring at times. To make everything worse, we had no electricity between 2:30 - 11:00 this morning-- because of last night's storm. Our street was completely without electric power, but some of the streets around us had lights. Between the bad weather and not being able to use the blow-dryer, this was a first-class bad-hair day.

We got out to vote early, when it was pouring-down rain. Which could account for the fact that it took us only 15 minutes to get from the door of the school to the voting machines and back out the door again. In and out very quickly. Later this afternoon, as the rain let up a bit, the lines to vote grew longer and longer.

Last night's thunder and lightning was so bad that I never did have the heart to put AngelBoy back out on the porch. As I carried him to the breakfast room door to put him out there, he buried his head into my elbow and just purred. I swear, this cat knows how to get to me. So I let him sleep in the house, which was the only way to make him feel safe from the thunder and pouring rain. He woke me up around 6:00 this morning-- he jumped up on the bed and walked over my pillow and sat on the table by my side of the bed. Even in the dark, I could see him just sitting there staring at me. When I got up and started walking towards the kitchen, he ran ahead of me and sat by the breakfast room door. He wanted to go out.

After letting him out into the yard, I checked all around the house-- no accidents, and he had used his litter box. Which means nothing scared him in the middle of the night and he did what a cat is supposed to do-- use the box. As I wrote here last night... he really is a sweet (and smart) cat. He just doesn't always make the right decisions when he's scared or anxious. (Which, when you think about it, could be said about any one of us.)

Anyway... I got out to the grocery store today, in the middle of the rainstorms. Had to get there-- no bananas in the house. While I was there in the shopping center, I stopped in the store where I had bought the Halloween accessories for our party last weekend. Just as I thought, they had other Halloween stuff there that I hadn't seen the last time--- and it was all on sale today (75% off). Now of course, I had to buy some. I came home with enough Halloween party-favors for next year's Halloween party. My husband said "Are we having a Halloween party next year?" -- "We are now," I told him. I put the new Halloween stuff up in the closet in the utility room... where it all will sit till next October. (My husband thinks I'm crazy. I think I'm a smart shopper.)

All of the television stations here are running election results. Close race, but anyone could've predicted that. My husband is switching from channel to channel. I'm not interested in hearing what all the announcers have to say about the election. And I won't be waiting up to find out the results. I had precious little sleep last night, because of the storm and AngelBoy's reaction to it. Tomorrow's Chronicle will have the results, and that will be soon enough to hear about it.

So that's about it for today. I hope the sun comes out tomorrow and stays out till the end of the week. We've had enough rain in the last 24 hours to last for the rest of the month. This Thursday is the Manilow concert, so of course I'd like the weather to clear up. Can't be going to see Barry on a bad-hair day now, can we?


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