
Friday, March 27, 2015

Water Heaters R Us

The plumbing fiasco continued this morning.... the plumbers were here first thing to check the work they did yesterday on the water heater on the third floor, and while they were here, I asked them to check the unit on the first floor.

Should I not be surprised?  Turned out there was a broken valve on the first-floor heater.... had there been a problem with it, we wouldn't have been able to turn it off and the water from that huge tank would have been pouring out... and who knows when we would have noticed the waterfall because that water heater is back by the storage closet holding the holiday decorations.  I can see it now... all my Santas and angels floating in two feet of water....

We told the plumbers to call their office and get a new water heater. New one for upstairs, new one for downstairs... it's a water heater party.  The new unit was here in forty minutes.... less time than it takes for other service companies in this town to return a phone call.  Bless this particular plumbing company.... they've been the only ones we've called since we moved here, and I hope they stay in business for a very long time. Other local service companies should be taking notes from them.

While all of yesterday's plumbing work was being done, my husband was peacefully at work in the city... while water heater hell was breaking loose out here in the country.  It wasn't until he got home last night that I told him what he'd missed while he was in the concrete jungle. One of his first questions was "How much did all of that cost?"

Cost? As in price? I have no idea.... they'll send the bill at the end of the month. When all of this happened, water was pouring out of the third-floor water heater, going through a ceiling light fixture and making a puddle on the carpeting, and I didn't know what would happen first---- the water heater crashing through the ceiling or the electricity sending a lightning bolt through the circuit breaker box. So pardon me.... I didn't ask how much anything was going to cost... I just called the plumber and took out the checkbook and at that point was ready to sign my name to any numbers they quoted me.

Men... they get caught up in such pointless details........


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