
Saturday, June 02, 2012

Princess Butterscotch Puppy

No, we do not have a puppy. But our neighbor G does..... and she's been trying to find a home for it. G already has two dogs, both of which are older and not interested in a young pup in 'their' house.  G found the puppy two weeks ago.... on the side of the road, abandoned by some fool who thinks a puppy can survive on its own. My belief is that if one puppy has been abandoned, then the same blasted fool has abandoned others also.

G rescued the puppy, and has been determined to find a good home for it.  The puppy is the color of a butterscotch candy, which is why I've been calling her Princess Butterscotch.  We see G and the puppy when we go walking in the mornings, and the puppy has been walking most of the way on her own four little feet, unless either JS or I have scooped her up and carried her in our arms for a bit.  I keep telling G that she's making the puppy walk too long a distance, but she's trying to exercise the puppy enough so when it gets back into her house it won't want to play with her two older dogs. Puppy energy knows no bounds.

Yesterday when we walked, JS was thinking of taking the puppy into Houston for an overnight stay with her sister.... ah, yes..... the puppy-mama syndrome might be kicking into high gear.  Honestly, how can you take a puppy and keep it overnight and then not want to keep it for good.......  Which is exactly why we haven't offered to bring the puppy over here for an extended visit.

G came by here with the puppy shortly after she found it....... she figured that both my husband and I would like how the puppy looked on our porch, and maybe, just maybe, we would tell her that we'd take the puppy.  Not this puppy-mama, thank you very much.  I've done my puppy time with Gracie...... and neither my husband nor I want a dog right now. If ever.  As my husband says: We've already had the best dog, so why would we want another dog?

But... Princess Butterscotch Puppy is awfully cute..... and no matter how much she's bonding now with G, she will also bond with whoever finally adopts her.  She's young enough to get used to a new owner, and G hasn't really given her a name yet, so the puppy won't be confused when her new owner gives her a real name.  G was calling her Miss Bones when she first found her, because she was literally just skin and bones those first few days. But after eating regular meals and getting daily exercise, the puppy is looking very Princess-Puppy-ish these days.

G says that Princess Butterscotch Puppy is too long a name for a 'country pup.'   Fine.  We'll shorten her name to Butterscotch and let it be just that.  Not "we" as in my husband and I......... just the proverbial we for now.

We (my husband and I) do not, do not, do NOT want a puppy.  Been there, done that, all puppy-ed out.


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