
Friday, May 30, 2008

The Whole World is a Germ.....

How in heaven's name do the flight attendants not get sick after each airplane flight from here to there and back again?

I came home with a monstrous cold and sore throat, caught on the flight back from Germany. My husband hasn't caught this, but I surely did, and I've been sick since before we landed. I spent most of yesterday in bed, with ShadowBaby right next to me. That cat was thrilled-- his favorite thing is napping, and he got to do it on the bed instead of on the screen-porch.

I've been drinking hot tea and hot chicken broth, eating oranges, and then drinking more hot tea and hot broth. I feel like I'm drowning in liquids, and my head feels like it weighs a ton.

Oh well, this too shall pass. At least I caught these germs on the plane ride home instead of during the plane ride to Germany. I wouldn't have been able to make it through all of our sight-seeing days with a cold like this.


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