Back in the heat of Texas...
We stepped off the plane yesterday and felt the heat....... which we haven't experienced for the last two and a half weeks. As much as we thoroughly enjoyed our trip to Germany, it was nice to be back home. No matter where we go, no matter how much we love where we visit, home is the place to be.
My husband put nearly a month of research into our trip to Germany. He had about 35 pages of places to see, things to do, guesthouses, hotels...... and the thick stack of papers dwindled down to just one or two pages as we ended our trip in Frankfurt. We were at the Frankfurt airport twice (once going, where we had to switch planes for a short hop-over to Leipzig, where our trip began..... and then coming home, where we took a direct flight from Frankfurt to Houston). We saw nothing of the city of Frankfurt, just the airport.
There's so much to write about Germany...... I think I will start at the beginning, look at the notes I took as we traveled, and write about every place we visited and everything we saw. It was a trip to be remembered, and I'm sure we'll be talking about this adventure for years to come. I'm also sure that we'll go back again for another visit.
Gracie and the cats were happy to see us when we got home yesterday. Even though our pet-sitter takes such good care of "our gang" (as he calls them), I know they miss us and they know that someone else is in the house with them. ShadowBaby and Mickey Kitty followed me all around the house yesterday, and AngelBoy hugged my legs and rubbed his fur all over my slacks...... and Gracie has barely let my husband out of her sight since we brought the suitcases back into the house.
Reality set in this morning..... suitcases to unpack, laundry to do, mail to go through....... before I know it, my nail polish will be chipped from cleaning out litter boxes. And if I want tea in the afternoon, I will have to get it myself. Oh well..... it's still nice to be home.
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