
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

So sick.......

It's a small price to pay for a week in Hawaii, but this is one heck of a cold I've caught. I knew it would happen...... so many people on the plane coming back from Hawaii were sneezing, and some of their germs found me. My throat isn't hurting anymore, but I still can't talk above a whisper. Even though I started taking cough medicine yesterday, I coughed so much last night that my ribs are hurting today. But the real truth of my sickness-- I didn't make the bed till noon, and I didn't put on make-up this morning. No make-up. No jewelry. True signs of being sick for me.

I've been sleeping most of the day..... a nap on the sofa in the breakfast room, with ShadowBaby curled up on my chest and Mickey Kitty curled around my feet. Then I took another nap on the chaise lounge on the screen porch, and again, ShadowBaby curled up with me. Oh well, at least I got sick on the home from the trip...... I would've hated to feel this badly while we were in Hawaii.

Regardless, this cold is just a cold...... a minor inconvenience. This morning was the scheduled first of two surgeries for my friend up in NY. This morning was explorative, to allow them to see what's in there. I laughed on the phone yesterday when she told me: "I want them to look inside me and say 'this is a piece of cake.' I don't want them to look in there and find something they've never seen before."

My friend has always had such a great sense of humor...... it was nice to hear her laughing, and I was extraordinarily surprised and even pleased to hear her making jokes about such serious procedures that she will have to go through this week. A sense of humor is a wonderful thing, and if you can laugh at yourself, you can see the world more clearly.

As I stretched out on the breakfast room sofa this morning, I looked at the clock and saw that it was 8:30...... 9:30 in NY. I wondered if at that very moment, my friend in NY was getting prepped for the explorative surgery. I shut my eyes so I couldn't see the clock, and I put that picture into my mind of my friend dancing and twirling and singing at the wedding of one of her sons. That's how I fell asleep.... seeing her dancing.


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