
Thursday, July 07, 2005

Faulkner's "The Sound and The Fury"

I've finished the second William Faulkner book in Oprah's three-book summer reading club. If you ask me to tell you about the story, I couldn't. I kept waiting for the light-bulb-moment of that book.... the one paragraph or chapter which would make me say "Ah-ha! So that's it!"

Sadly, that moment never came, not even after I went to Oprah.com to look at the reading guide for this Faulkner book. There's a list of characters on the Oprah.com site.... and that was helpful. At least I knew who was who, and what relationship each character had to the other-- which isn't made apparent in the book. (What were you thinking, Willie?!)

When I had my piano lesson on Wednesday, I mentioned to K (piano teacher) that I was reading Faulkner. Her one-word reply was "Why?" K is very well-read, so her comment should've been my light-bulb-moment. If K couldn't wade through Faulker and come out with her head above water, then I don't have a chance.

I will, however, wait till next month and try the third Faulkner book, "Light In August." I might as well give it a try. I will either be pleasantly surprised or entirely confused. Either way, I'm hoping that Oprah picks a better classic volume for her next choice.

Until it's time for the third Faulkner book, I'll keep busy with the pile of books waiting for me to read. (All of them much easier on the senses than Faulker.) One thing is for sure....... I can accumulate books faster than I can read them.


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