Another cat... possibly...
Not exactly a cat... but a young kitten. A couple of weeks ago, my young friend Corey adopted a 12-week old blue-eyed kitten from one of her friends. Female kitten which looks similar to my blue-eyed AngelBoy of years ago... a beautiful ball of fluff he was, a silver-gray Birman with silver-lilac tips on his ears, paws, and tail. Gorgeous cat, and the love of my cat-life with those blue eyes of his.
When Corey told me she was adopting the kitten from her friend, she called to ask me if I wanted one of the kittens. I told her no, that my heart could not take another blue-eyed fluffy cat. Well. That was two weeks ago. This weekend, Corey called to tell me that her childhood allergy to cats has come back with a vengeance. She was sniffling and stuffed-up, she had broken out in hives and she couldn't stop scratching. Oh my.
Corey does not want to give up her kitten, whose name is Sadie. She will go to a doctor this week, to get some sort of antihistamine that will control the allergy. Corey says if she has to take allergy medicine 'forever and ever,' then she will, in order to keep Sadie. I suggested she ask the doctor if having a de-humidifier in her apartment would help. I told Corey that her 800-pound horse Tallahatchie doesn't so much as make her sneeze, but her five-pound kitten is bringing her down.
I told Corey that if worse comes to worst and she has to give up the kitten, she could bring Sadie here rather than giving it back to her friend or trying to find another home for it. This way, Sadie would still be in the family, Corey could see her when she comes to visit, and it would still be 'her' cat. Corey said she was hoping I would say that.
A serendipitous moment if ever there was one. We have a cat named Sweet Pea and a dog named Savannah... and we may soon have a kitten named Sadie. Another S-name.... coincidence or not? I am hoping that Corey can keep her little Sadie... she already loves that cat, and if ever there was an animal-lover, Corey takes first place. I would hate for Corey to have to give up the kitten, but I would love Sadie as my own just because Corey chose her.
Another blue-eyed cat. I am still haunted by AngelBoy's blue eyes... so maybe Sadie's blue eyes will make that go away. Still... I am hoping beyond all hope and praying to the cat-gods that Corey can keep that kitten.