
Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Second chance...

My husband arranged for the Ken-doll contractor to be here on Monday morning to start work on the gazebo. Not to be confused with the Ken-doll's first arrangement to be here last Thursday. When he didn't show up, he called the next day to say "Something came up."

This second-chance decision for 'Ken' was made after my husband called the contractor who had been his second choice in this gazebo-repairing process.... that particular man had to come back here to re-measure (because he couldn't find his first measurements) and then he called the following night to ask my husband to go outside and measure yet again.  Then he told my husband that he had gone to Home Depot to get some instructions on building a roof for our gazebo....... and he said to my husband: "I think I've got it down now... if I have any problems, the guy at Home Depot said to call him any day but Tuesday or Thursday."

Give me a blessed handyman break.

So... back to the first choice... the Ken-doll.  He told my husband he would be here at eight o'clock on Monday morning. "Weather permitting, of course," he added.  If that Ken-doll is now praying for rain, I swear I will just scream.

The ladies on our road here, excited about the possibility of a Ken-doll lookalike working in our yard, have asked if it would be okay with me if they brought their lawn chairs so they could watch him working. Weather permitting, of course.


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