
Thursday, February 27, 2014

One last blast of winter....

Or maybe I should say "I hope this is the last blast of winter."

When I woke up this morning, there was frost all over the pastures.... so white and frosty that you would think someone had dusted everything with powdered sugar during the night.  And I have to wonder what that frost has done to the bluebonnets that were peeking out from all the fields around here.  I don't know if last night's temperature of 34 degrees will turn the bluebonnet seedlings into dead weeds rather than glorious wildflowers.

As we're having this latest cold snap, my cousins in NY are scrambling around shopping for extra groceries for the next snow storm that's headed their way within the next few days. They've had snow up there every week since the first of the year.  It's nearly March, and winter is just not giving up the fight up in the northeast.  Clearly, some of them should be thinking about moving south. The winter weather is never going to get any better up there, and the older you get, the less you want to be dealing with all of the snow shoveling and ice scraping. I also have family living near Chicago..... their winters are worse than the NY winters, and none of them are looking to move either. I guess everyone just gets used to wherever they live, and they just learn to live with it, no matter how bad it gets and how much they complain about it.

Temperatures here are supposed to be up to 70 degrees tomorrow, and warmer still for the weekend. At least this "last blast" didn't stay around for very long.


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