
Monday, October 21, 2013

Bar Harbor and The Veterans' Christmas Tree.

Okay, let me get this straight.... the so-called Powers That Be in Bar Harbor have decided that the memorial Christmas tree for the veterans was "too tacky and too confusing" in their town, so they have decided to do away with it.

We have traveled to Maine, and toured Bar Harbor.  The town is lovely, the people looked friendly and intelligent. I don't understand why a lighted evergreen tree put up to commemorate the Christmas in 1944 when US soldiers were too busy fighting to celebrate December 25th could now be considered "tacky and confusing."

Has the world gone mad?  Did someone take common sense out of the dictionary and delegate it to the depths of hell?  Did the city council people in Bar Harbor take a Grinch pill?  Or are they just that plain stupid?

If I lived anywhere near or in Bar Harbor, I would be going door to door, asking everyone who lives in that town to put up a Christmas tree in their front yard.  I'd ask them to decorate their trees with lights and ornaments, and a bunch of American Flags would also be a nice touch.

The lights and ornaments, of course, would let the world know that the evergreen tree is indeed there to celebrate Christmas.  The American Flags would let the Bar Harbor city council people know that the reason their children and grandchildren are living in a free country right now is because soldiers put aside their Christmas celebration in 1944 because they took an oath to defend their country and their flag.

And a note to the people of Bar Harbor, Maine.... with no apologies whatsoever...... you all need to kick out the people on your city council, or your community board, or whatever titles they presently have..... because if they're of a mind to believe that a lighted evergreen Christmas tree put up for the veterans is 'too tacky and too confusing,' then they have no right to speak for the majority of the residents of Bar Harbor.

I just refuse to believe that all the residents of Bar Harbor believe that the veterans' Christmas tree was "too tacky and too confusing." 

Give us all a blessed break.  If you live in Bar Harbor and you're reading this, I expect you to start putting up those Christmas trees on your front lawn.

And one more note for the people of Bar Harbor: (From Abraham Lincoln)--- "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."


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