
Monday, May 16, 2011

Sunday adventures...

Yesterday was the commencement at the university..... my husband delivered the 'keynote address.' I had planned to go to the ceremony to watch, but the speakers and faculty had to get there extra early for a private reception of sorts, so I decided to watch the ceremony from home. My husband downloaded the university's web-site on his computer, and all I had to do was press a button when the ceremony began and I was able to watch everything live, as it was happening.

For the past four weeks or so, my husband had been constructing and editing a video for the graduates, plus writing and re-writing his speech. The result was an outstanding video and an excellent commencement speech.... both of which will soon be on YouTube so family and friends will be able to see it also. (The magic of technology!)

I have to admit that the Pomp and Circumstance music always gets to me.... it brings tears to my eyes each and every time. And seeing my husband standing up there at the podium delivering a flawlessly perfect speech to the graduates... that was the icing on the proverbial cake.

About half an hour before my husband got back home yesterday, I saw two foxes walking up the road towards our driveway. Not one, but two! Walking along as if they lived here, for goodness sake. One fox was carrying a lifeless quail in its mouth... the other fox was just following along, probably hoping to share in the feast.

As soon as I saw the foxes, I went outside to see where my chickens were.... I wasn't happy when I saw three of them just standing in the driveway in front of the garage doors-- just standing there and watching the foxes. If those foxes had been just a little more hungry, they would have charged towards the hens and most likely been able to catch them easily. As it happened, when the foxes saw me, they continued on down the road, not stopping to detour into our driveway.

We now have two female turkeys walking around our yards on a daily basis. I was judging their sizes by the weights of Thanksgiving turkeys that I have cooked in the past.... the smaller female would be about twelve pounds, and the larger one would be close to eighteen or twenty pounds. Needless to say, neither one of those turkeys will ever see a roasting pan in my kitchen. Last night after dinner, the larger turkey flew up on the breezeway roof between the house and the garage. She just perched up there looking down at us for a while before she flew back down into the yard. The wing-span on that turkey was unbelievably wide.

Another week has begun..... today has seemed to go along very leisurely and slowly..... after all these weeks of preparations for the commencement ceremony, my husband was able to just sit on the front porch and relax a little bit.


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