Yet another cold snap.
After a few days of warm and Spring-like weather, we're having a drippy dreary damp wet day. So dreary that I didn't let the chickens out of the little yard by their coop. These cloudy wet days are prime-time hunting days for the hawks, and (knock on the proverbial wood) we haven't lost any chickens in the longest time. (Knock once again.) Either this group of hens are smarter than the first group, or I've gotten smarter and been more careful with their adventures around the property.
On days like this, it's hard to get warm. Especially when you have to go outside to check the nesting boxes for eggs, or give the chickens some diced-up lettuce and carrots to keep them a little happier because you've got them fenced in by the coop. My guilt offering to the hens-- cut up vegetables. Plain old bits of white bread just don't cut it on a day like today.
The Royal Wedding brouhaha has begun. On one of the cable channels tonight, there's a program called "William & Kate & 8 Royal Weddings." (Did they have to make that title so close to "Jon & Kate Plus 8?!"-- I didn't like that show. I loved the kids, but that show was just an exploitation of those kids by two parents who were clearly disconnected from one another, from the beginning of the series.) Anyway, I will watch the show on the Royal Weddings. And I'll probably be watching all of the shows on the Royal Wedding of William and Kate. Or should we be calling her Katherine now?
I remember watching the wedding of Diana and Charles so many years ago. I think I had to set the alarm for 4:00 in the morning so I could see it all from the very beginning. And I wanted to see it live as it happened, not later on with a taped version. My dad was here in Texas the year Diana died in France, and we both sat there watching the funeral from beginning to end. My cousin F in NY is the family's expert on history-- both American and British. We will both be watching tonight's show, and we will both be tuned into the coverage of William and Kate's marriage on April 29th. F is so seriously into the Royals that she is already planning to take a week's vacation in April so she can watch every blessed program leading up to William's wedding. I have already mailed her a rhinestone tiara to wear with her wedding attire as she watches the festivities. When she told me that she might be watching the TV coverage in her cozy pajamas, I told her that a tiara is just what she'd need to accessorize her favorite p-j's.
Hopefully, the London weather on April 29th will be sunny and glorious and beautiful.... not drippy and dreary and damp and wet like it is today.
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