
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Think pink.

Pink seems to be a strange color for the sheets of thick insulation that go over and under and around the house, but pink it is, and that's what is happening today. My husband hired a handyman to crawl underneath the house and install yards and yards of that thick pink stuff that should have been there all along. Of course, we didn't find out till the middle of last winter that the bottom of the house was lacking insulation. And being that we had this house inspected before we bought it, I have to wonder why the inspector didn't mention that to us.

The handyman, Waylon, got here before seven o'clock this morning. He told my husband yesterday that he'd be here at seven, so we were impressed when he got here even earlier. I don't think everyone in this state runs on the same clock, or even within the same time zone. "See y'all in a few minutes" can mean any time in the next five minutes or in the next five hours, with no explanation or apology if indeed the few minutes turns into five hours. Never complain, never explain, never give a definite time.... it's the Texas way.

Waylon says he likes working in homes on this road..... says he has worked on mostly all of the properties here..... doin' odd jobs and this 'n that for everyone here till they ran out of projects for me. I told Waylon that we have enough projects here to keep him busy for the rest of the summer. After just ten minutes underneath our house, Waylon pronounced it to be clean and cool, not hardly any critters under there at all (which sounded like a'tall).

I've kept the cats in the house today, so they don't go exploring underneath the house. The two little trap-doors are open under there now, and it would seem to me that Mickey Kitty (my Marco Polo cat) would be the first one to scoot under there looking for new adventures. The cats aren't happy with being house-bound today, but at least I know they're away from the insulation, away from the staple gun, and most important-- I know where they are.

It's 11:30 in the morning...... do you know where your cats are? =^..^=


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