Global warming? Where?
It was 80 degrees yesterday. At some point in the middle of the night, the weather gods decided to see if we were all paying attention. When the sun broke this morning, it must have been 50 degrees outside. And the cats were on the screen-porch.... it's a wonder that Mickey Kitty wasn't meowing for all he was worth at the window. Or maybe he was and I just didn't hear him. When my husband opened the porch door this morning, the cats were jumping over one another trying to get into the house. Me first! No-- me first !! Watch out-- I'm coming through! AngelBoy ran into the breakfast room so fast that he slid on the floor and nearly smacked his blue-eyed face into the wall.
All three of them are now curled up in warm and cozy corners of the house and they've been sleeping since after breakfast. Note to self--- make sure a cold front isn't blasting through between the hours of midnight and dawn.
The weather has gone completely crazy.... floods up in the Dakotas, tornadoes in the south, hailstorms in east Texas, snowstorms in north Texas. We should be thanking our lucky stars that all we got here was some wind and rain and falling temperatures. 50 degrees--- I thought winter was over!
The first thing my husband said to me this morning after he let the cats in from the porch was G - W - M -A....... short for Global warming, my ass. He has a way with words.
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