
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

This Bone's For You

Went to a doctor's appointment today, to have a bone density test. Last time I did that was about five years ago, and our doctor suggested I have another one done. He makes suggestions carefully now, since he knows that I don't like unnecessary tests. Not that anyone really does, but there are some people who don't mind going through medical tests as long as their insurance company picks up the costs. Not me. I've got better ways to spend my time and I continue to hope that I don't have to go through "necessary" medical testing. I walk into any medical office knowing that if they don't call my name within thirty minutes of my appointment time, then I'm just walking out of the door.

Anyway, I expected the same kind of bone density test that I had five years ago--- you put your foot into a machine and within seconds, out comes a reading of the density of everything inside you that allows you to stand up straight. Today's testing machine was different.... I had to lie down on a long table while an X-ray machine of sorts moved above me, taking pictures of my spine and my hips. When the technician was done, she showed me the pictures and said that everything looked just fine and healthy, with no signs of arthritic conditions. The one "weak spot" on my spine is in my lower back, which is the same spot where both my dad and my Aunt Dolly have had problems. I have a little bit of back pain when I lift up litter boxes to clean them out, but other than that (unless I'm on my feet from morning till night) everything is just fine, in my opinion.

The technician got to talking about herself, saying she doesn't like doctors and medications either, and her mother, grandmother and great-grandmother are the same way. She said she doesn't even like to take aspirin, but at times her legs and her back hurts a bit just because she's on her feet so much every day. For that problem, she uses her great-grandmother's remedy--- a bar of soap. Pardon me? She told me that her great-grandmother always sleeps with a bar of soap in her bed.... a large bar of Ivory soap (or any other white soap) that she puts inbetween the bottom sheet and the top sheet.... at the bottom of the bed near her feet, so she doesn't kick it out of the side of the bed while she's sleeping.

The soap, for whatever reason, eliminates simple aches and pains from daily activities and chores. She said she didn't believe it at first, but tried it as a last resort (instead of taking aspirin). The effects of the soap will last a few months, then you just slip in a new bar of soap and use the other bar for the shower. She said it may be the lanolin in the soap... she really doesn't know. Now of course I've got to try this. Can't hurt anything, and my curiosity has gotten the best of me.


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