
Wednesday, November 09, 2016

We The People

At the beginning of the presidential campaign which ended with yesterday's voting, I hoped that Donald Trump would win. Let's face it... he didn't need to be President. He has his own companies which more than support his family and his lifestyle. Trump didn't need to be living in that fish bowl called The White House and have himself and his family be scrutinized by every person in this nation and in all the countries around the globe.

The difference with Donald Trump was that he truly wanted to be President because he wanted to make a difference. Every candidate repeats words and phrases to that effect during their campaigns but they don't often follow through, or they find loop-holes and excuses that prevent them from living up to their pre-election promises. Trump, however, is famous for his work ethic, for completing jobs on time and under budget, for creating jobs and hiring the best people he can find. I didn't think he would just throw all of that to the side when changing positions from President of The Board to President of the United States.

During the campaign, when Trump's attitude became so very New York-ish (and I can say that freely because I'm from NY) and the press wasn't exactly killing him with kindness (they were just killing him) Donald Trump stood his ground, apologized when he had to, fought back when attacked, and kept on keeping on. Nothing got him running for the door, nothing anyone said made him back down. And to the press who harped on Trump's comments about and to women... there isn't a man walking on this earth that has not been disrespectful to a woman or all women at some point in their lives. And on the flip-side of that, I'd be hard-pressed to find a woman who hasn't spoken out-of-turn against men. No one has the right to throw those stones... we all live in glass houses.

We watched Trump speaking in the middle of the night after it was clear he had won the election yesterday.  That speech was pure Trump. Not Candidate Trump, but President-Elect Trump, standing there with strength and confidence, knowing that he can Do The Job. To the press people who say that he isn't qualified to run this country... is anyone really qualified to run any country? Is there a college degree for such a position? Are there practice sessions? Can anyone know what sort of international situation will rear its head during any given administration?

This morning, I watched Hillary Clinton's speech. For once, Hillary was real as she spoke this morning. She wasn't hiding behind that oh-so-polished political machine that has kept the Clintons going for decades and kept them above the law no matter what accusations were brought against them.

I don't align myself with either the Republican or Democratic party, or any party. When Obama ran for President the first time, I happily voted for him, with such high hopes that finally, finally, we were getting a non-politician in the White House. Well, it didn't take long for me to realize how wrong I was. When he ran for office the second time, he didn't get my vote, and neither did anyone else because I didn't have faith in anyone on the ballot. Just as everyone has the right to vote, we also have the right not to vote.

I was so thrilled to cast a vote for Donald Trump that rather than waiting for Election Day, I took advantage of 'early voting' in our town and went to the court-house on the second day. I smiled when I put that paper ballot in the locked box because I knew for sure that my vote was not going to a politician whose career was based on debts owed and promises made and corruption covered-up. If you take away all of Trump's money, he is the common man, with dreams of greatness for himself, his family, and for his country. In my opinion, those dreams are what inspired so many people to vote for him.

As Rudy Giuliani said at the Republican National Convention, it's time we all came together as Americans. Just Americans. Not African Americans, Italian American, German Americans, etc.  This country has been so divided, and political correctness has been killing us to the point where we are either afraid to speak at all or we dribble out senseless unconscionable insults.

I'm hoping for all the best with Donald Trump in the White House. If he chooses his people wisely, takes advice instead of taking umbrage, makes decisions which will bring this country to a strong and confident position in this world, we will all be just fine. And it's been a long, long time since I, for one, have felt 'just fine' about the state of this nation.


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