
Thursday, November 25, 2010


This morning started out at 78 degrees.... breezy, but warm and nice. It felt like Spring. I had the little TV in the kitchen tuned in to the NYC Macy's Parade, and when they broke in for the local news, the weather wizards said that the temperature up in Dallas dropped 30 degrees in less than two hours. That same cold front was heading our way. Oh goodie.

While the turkey was cooking, my husband drained the water pipes in the cottage and the barn, then turned off the water in both guest houses. He and W the handyman had insulated and wrapped up pipes this past week, just in case of a frigid cold snap. Our neighbors J & J drove to Virginia for Thanksgiving, so my husband called them up (the wonder of cell phones) and asked if their water was on or off, and could we do anything. Ditto for our neighbors who are in Pennsylvania now. Freezing temperatures that burst water pipes isn't a good thing, to say the least.

The wind is howling as I type. The temperature has dropped at least 20 degrees since lunch time. What started out as a Spring-like morning has turned into a blustery day worthy of a northern February night. Bah humbug to that.

As we were eating our Thanksgiving dinner this afternoon, my husband asked me what I was thankful for this year. I told him that I was grateful that we are both healthy, and have no major (or even minor) illness or disease that has changed or altered our lives.

I asked my husband what he was grateful for. His answer was one word: W (the handyman).


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